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self portrait

Hey my name's dave and you've found my website.

If you're looking for the programmer or the musician you have come to the right place. Check out my music and cool projects below.

Tech & DIY projects
|        Tech & DIY Blog        |
|       blog.daveeddy.com       |
|    You Suck at Programming    |
|       ysap.daveeddy.com       |
Listen to my Music
|            Spotify            |
|           Dave Eddy           |
|        My Music Website       |
|       music.daveeddy.com      |
|            YouTube            |
|           @bahamas10          |
Social & Misc. Links
|            TikTok             |
|          @bahamas10_          |
|            GitHub             |
|          @bahamas10           |
|            Twitter            |
|          @bahamas10_          |
|             Merch             |
|       buy dave eddy merch     |